Friday, May 22, 2009

spelunking with vonnegut

So i have this dozedream of me and lovey rappelling down mt rushmore. we are totally decked out in 80s gear- lots of tight fuchsia and tiedye complete with the boots that go halfway up your calves. the best part is that we are not sliding down some lame president but this guy:

we slide from the glorious moustache and picnic inside of the cavernous mouth. i am convinced this dream is highly spiritual and mystical in nature and am searching deep to find meaning.


  1. Well...
    I'd say even if there's no meaning to it, at least it's awesome... haha

  2. My wife and I were lucky enough to hear Vonnegut speak at Oklahoma City University a few years ago. It was on the basketball court, a surreal setting for a surreal guy. Perhaps he's shacked up with Montana Wildhack now on a distant planet that used to be. I like to think so.
