Sunday, June 21, 2009

fathers day

emma and violette woke me up very excitedly to tell me they made breakfast. pancakes and eggs and strawberries with orange juice. very yummy. or "lummy" as violette would say. and then if you say "lummy" she says "its not lummy, its lummy"

all four of us have the "crud" as grandma would say. its been sticking around for three weeks now. ick.

it turns out that i think i am way too lazy to post blogs frequently. i honestly dont know how people have the energy to maintain social networking sites and tweets and blogs and texts and email and on and on. but i guess im an old fart.

as soon as i get around to it, im gonna start a big noveltype project. not sure what i want it to be like yet. i figured since the first one was totally awesome and totally unreceived, that i should either try to make this one 'normal' or go completely overboard and over the top. i think i like the latter.

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